Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hakone`s Yunessun Spa Resort

Hakone, near Odawara

The Yunessun is our largest spa resort zone where you can enjoy more than 25 different kinds spa related services and fun water recreational activities (see the complete list below). It is like being at the beach, so bring your swimsuits.

The main Spa facility is called The God's Aegean Sea and will amaze you with its fantastic aqua surroundings.There is a Mediterranean theme for the amusement spas along with the Turkish Hamam and the Ancient Roman Baths.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jonah and the Wrestler

Jonah and the Wrestler

When my son Jonah was just a baby, we took him to Odawara Arena.On that day they had a one day sumo tournament. To my disappointment the only foreign wrestler was Yamato. However it was fun nonetheless.

To have your baby held by a real sumo wrestler is an honor, and is supposed to bestow upon the little one, good luck and good health. It being more than just a sport this makes sense, as it is a kind of Shinto religious ritual. My son was held very carefully by a very large Japanese wrestler.He didn`t cry (my son) not the wrestler.

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Thursday, July 07, 2011


子供クラスアシスタント(ボランティア)募集!! 現在、ケビンズイングリッシュスクールでは子供クラス(小学生ク​ラス)のアシスタントを募集中です。ケビン先生のヘルプと、生徒​さんの宿題のチェックなどを行っていただきます。お手伝いをして​いただくのは、赤毛のアン校(飯沢)で火曜日と金曜日の午後(4​時位から)と、塚原校で水曜日の午後5時からのクラスです。(詳​細はお問い合わせください) なお、ボランティアとしての募集となり、お給料はでませんのでご​了承ください。授業に参加していただきますので、子供英会話に興​味がある方や英語が好きな方にとってはとても勉強になるでしょう​。ボランティアをしながら英語を勉強したい方は、ぜひご応募くだ​さい! 仕事内容について質問がある方、アシスタントご希望の方は、事務​までお問い合わせください。 tel&fax 0465-74-4458 事務担当 スガイ(平日 午後3時半​~午後7時)

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